Want to Maintain Your Expensive Epoxy Flooring? Here Are Some Tips to Help You Out!
Epoxy flooring is one of the most commonly used flooring types mainly because of its excellent lifespan and high durability. However, a lot of times people don’t know how to maintain the epoxy floors and end up ruining the texture and finish of these epoxy flooring. If you are planning to get Epoxy flooring for your garage, store, warehouse or any other location, here are a few tips that you need to keep in mind when cleaning and maintaining your epoxy floor – Wipe Minor Spills With a Damp Cloth Don't go overboard with the use of a cleaning chemical, oils, and other items when you can easily use water and a cloth! Most stains usually come off easily on epoxy flooring Vaughan so the entire process is a lot easier with a damp cloth. Most epoxy floors are very easy to clean so you won’t have to fuss about cleaning chemicals and other materials. Never Use Cleaners With Acids A lot of floor cleaning liquids have acids like citric acid, vinegar and a lot of soap ...